約 1,880,666 件
MOTOMAMI Los Santos MOTOMAMI Los Santos 概要説明 プレイリスト 余談 概要 ジャンル:オルタナティブR&B・アートポップ・ハウス・ヒップホップ・ポップ・ラテン・レゲトン・サルサ・フラメンコ・バーチャタ 所在地: 周波数: 楽曲数: DJ:ROSALÍA and Arca 説明 2021年12月15日に開局した放送局。 プレイリスト リンクのある曲名はYouTubeで公式音源orミュージックビデオが視聴できます。 PlayStation®4、Xbox One、PC版限定 アーティスト名 曲名 発売年 Bad Gya A La Mía 2021年 Duro 2005 La Goony Chonga 2019 Likkle Vybz Likkle Addi Skinny Jeans 2019 Rauw Alejandro Nubes 2021 Arca Machote 2020 DJ Spinn Bounce N Break Yo Back 2017 Monchy Alexandra Dos Locos 2006 Camarón de la Isla Volando Voy 1979 Armando 100% of Disin' You 1988 ROSALÍA A Palé 2019 ROSALÍA J Balvin Con Altura feat. El Guincho 2019 The Weeknd LA FAMA 2021 Mr. Fingers Mystery of Love 1985 Daddy Yankee Salgo Pa’ la Calle 2008 Tokischa, Haraca Kiko, El Cherry Scom 2021 Q Take Me Where Your Heart Is 2020 Ñejo Dalmata Vacilar Contigo 2012 Young Cister XULITA feat. Kaydy Cain 2020 Popcaan Body So Good 2018 Willie Colón Héctor Lavoe Calle Luna Calle Sol 1973 Alberto Stylee Tumbando Fronte 2006 Chucky73 Dominicana 2021 Aventura Mi Corazoncito 1999 DJ Slugo 418 (Bounce Mix) 2008 Kaydy Cain Algo Como Tú (feat. Los Del Control) 2019 Caroline Polachek Bunny Is A Rider 2021 ROSALÍA KLK 2020 Tokischa ROSALÍA Linda 2021 ROSALÍA DI MI NOMBRE (Cap.8 Éxtasis) 2018 Justice Stress 2007 Las Guanábanas Vamos Pa la Disco 2005 Playboi Carti Rockstar Made 2020 Soulja Boy Snap And Roll 2007 余談 ラジオ局名はROSALÍA'sのアルバム名から取られたもの。
TOSHI PHANTOM 作詞:雹豪 作曲:松本 歌:T z 原曲「LOVE PHANTOM」 いらないゲボを 吐いてしまおう コメを荒らし暴れる MY SOUL ゲボTHE TIME TOSSY IT OUT 不正できなぁぁぁぁーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーい 勝ちを全部あげよう せわしいコメの流れが速いよ 淑が荒らすから 優勝に向かい交差点を渡る ポンコツな人はいいね 親父が不正をされちゃうことを 気持ちいいと思ううちに 他人の勝ちも許せないぃーーーーーーー きもい顔面になってたよ 馬がいないと暴れれない きもい顔面なしじゃ価値がない ねえ親子で不正でしょ yin yan 馬が僕を支えてくれる 淑が競馬不正をしてくれる 淑の仲間がそうするように 馬の背中に滑り落ちよう (そして顔面つぶれてる) ちょうど勝ちもない馬のように 退屈な日々だった 思えば淑之顔潰れてた 競馬するまでは きもい顔が 整ってしまうほど 淑は競馬離れずに 過ごした競馬はほんとなのぉぉーーーーーーーーーーー ログが今荒れている 腹の底からsの名前を 暴れて夏気分 イッツマイソー きもい顔面とぼとぼとぉぉーーーーーーーーー はしゃぐサイト歩く きもい顔面退化しすぎて 整うことを忘れて イケメンの淑の幻を 馬の中に作ってた いらない馬も捨ててしまおう 勝ちを探し暴れる MY TOSSY STOP THE TIME SHOUT IT OUT 顔面グロいぃぃぃぃぃーーーーーーーーー 淑を全部あげようーーーー この歌へのコメント 名前 コメント すべてのコメントを見る
名前:cooldog TC E暦:この街がまだジャングルだった頃から 得意マップ:karintou 好きな武器:ロケットランチャー 得意技:お前超良い奴!m9(・∀・)9m 一言:Unkoじゃ!Unkoの仕業じゃ!
Cold Snap サークル:FELT Number Track Name Arranger Lyrics Vocal Original Works Original Tune Length 01 Freedom NAGI☆ - - Original - [01 27] 02 white NAGI☆ 美歌 舞花 東方妖々夢 クリスタライズシルバー [04 16] 03 Lost My Way Maurits“禅”Cornelis Renko Vivienne 東方神霊廟 デザイアドライブ [06 12] 04 Hex9946 Maurits"禅"Cornelis - - 東方地霊殿 地霊達の帰宅 [02 21] 05 Moments Maurits"禅"Cornelis Renko Vivienne 東方妖々夢 ティアオイエツォン(withered leaf) [05 01] 06 Prayer Blue[Eris's operation indigo blue mix] Eris 美歌 舞花 東方風神録 信仰は儚き人間の為に [04 37] 07 You're the sunshine(Night Butterflies)[Eris's melty wing mix] Eris David Kronos Vivienne 東方星蓮船 感情の摩天楼 〜 Cosmic Mind [04 15] 08 Elysium Maurits"禅"Cornelis - - 東方神霊廟 死霊の夜桜 [01 28] 09 Passes NAGI☆ - - 東方風神録 厄神様の通り道 〜 Dark Road [01 24] 10 Daydream NAGI☆ 美歌 美歌 東方風神録 厄神様の通り道 〜 Dark Road [03 53] 詳細 コミックマーケット87(2014/12/29)にて頒布 イベント価格:1,000円 ショップ価格:1,540円 レビュー 名前 コメント
TOSHIYUKI 作詞:雹豪 作曲:大塚愛 歌:TOSSY 原曲「SMILY」 LaLaLa~Yay~ いつも以上に暴言吐き いつも以上に屁理屈DAY いつも以上にドンと荒らして いつも以上にコメ荒らし みんな集まって 激突競馬をして走りあって 激突にない 淑之ゲボを吐く TOSHIYUKI 荒らしたいところは一人でもコメ荒らせる 荒らして~荒らして~Bobの笑顔が見た~い 暴れた時には~そっとこじつけてあげよう こじつけ~こじつけ~明日暴言吐きたい~ LaLaLa~Yay~ いつも以上にゲボ吐いて いつも以上にこじつけDAY いつも以上に暴言吐いて いつも以上に夏気分 競馬のないもの 暴言を吐かずにゲボを吐いている 激突にない 淑之ゲボを吐く TOSHIYUKI なくした~競馬は~もう一度荒らしに行こう 暴れて~暴れて~淑の不正が見た~い 勝てない~気持ちは~激突に預けてみよう こじつけ~こじつけ~明日暴言吐きたい~ TOSHIYUKI 荒らしたいところは一人でもコメ荒らせる 荒らして~荒らして~Bobの笑顔が見た~い 暴れた時には~そっとこじつけてあげよう こじつけ~こじつけ~明日暴言吐きたい~ LaLaLa~ 明日暴言吐きたい~ この歌を買いたい人 名前 コメント すべてのコメントを見る
nostos ノスタルジアからの移植。beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ(ノスタルジア初出にして唯一の専用ムービー付き)、REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシアにも移植されている。後にpop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢にも移植された ノスタルジア初出楽曲が他機種に移植されるのは本イベントで他5機種に移植される「Fly far bounce」と共に今回が初で稼働開始からわずか2週間のスピード移植となる BASIC ADVANCED EXTREME LEVEL 4 6 9.6 Notes 226 515 700 BPM 86-144 Time 2 15 Artist Setaria Virtuoso ジャンル オリジナル Version Qubell 譜面※外部サイト ■ ■ ■ この曲で手に入る称号 【全難易度クリア】そこはすべての記憶が還る場所 【全難易度フルコンボ】事件の鍵を握るのは、このピアノ線だったんだ!! 動画 - 譜面動画 譜面動画 - BASIC BASIC - ADVANCED ADVANCED - EXTREME EXTREME 譜面動画 EXTREME (シャッター+ハンドクラップ) - プレー動画 プレー動画 攻略・解説 各譜面の攻略に関する情報はこちらへ。 [EXT]緩急ある譜面。簡単なところはノーツが少なく、難しいところにノーツが偏り気味。加速後は16分が増えるため割と忙しい。シャッターは重い。 -- 名無しさん (2017-03-16 18 37 55) 名前 コメント ※攻略の際は、文頭に[BSC] [ADV] [EXT] のいずれかを置くと、どの譜面に関する情報かが分かりやすいです。 ※体感難易度を書き記す際は、クリア難度・スコア難度のどちらかなのかを明記してください。 また、攻略と関係ない投稿・重複した内容は削除の対象になります 攻略とは無関係の話は該当する欄(情報交換&雑談) にてどうぞ。
qstr__4_to_head_armor|-4 to head armor qstr__3_to_head_armor|-3 to head armor qstr__2_to_head_armor|-2 to head armor qstr__1_to_head_armor|-1 to head armor qstr_+2_to_head_armor|+2 to head armor qstr_+4_to_head_armor|+4 to head armor qstr_+3_to_head_armor|+3 to head armor qstr_+6_to_head_armor|+6 to head armor qstr_You_got_the_keys_to_|You got the keys to the dungeon. qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_t|Explore the ruins of the Nightfort to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_an_old_|You come across an old assortment of instruments used for torture. The cold appears to have preserved both them and the few remains of the last victim unfortunate enough to be taken inside the cell.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_hear_a_faint_scr|You hear a faint scream coming from the other side of the door...^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Something_is_trying_|Something is trying to break down the door...^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ru|You've successfully explored the ruins of the Nightfort.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_an_old_a|You come across an old assortment of instruments used for torture. The cold appears to have preserved both them and the few remains of the last victim unfortunate enough to be strapped to the device.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Passing_the_door_you|Passing the door, you can make out the faint sound of a woman screaming...^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Quest_item.|Quest item. qstr_I_would_never_join_s|I would never join someone who doesn't own a town or castle. qstr_I_know_too_little_ab|I know too little about your leader. qstr_I_found_your_messeng|I found your messenger unconvincing. qstr_Next_time_I_would_pr|Next time I would prefer to talk to someone who doesn't act like a fool. qstr_Next_time_I_would_pre|Next time I would prefer to talk to someone more versed in courtly manners. qstr_I_would_rather_stay_|I would rather stay with my current king. qstr_Your_master_is_not_e|Your master is not even royalty and you want me to join you? Hah! qstr_I_would_never_join_so|I would never join someone who doesn't even hold a town or castle. qstr_I_know_too_little_abo|I know too little about your master. qstr_Next_time_I_would_pref|Next time, I would prefer to talk to someone who doesn't act like a fool. qstr_Next_time_I_would_prefe|Next time, I would prefer to talk to someone more versed in courtly manners. qstr_I_would_rather_stay_w|I would rather stay with my current liege. qstr_A_young_nobleman_gift|A young nobleman gift you a fine sword, crafted by the best blacksmith in {s3}. qstr_A_young_knight_gift_yo|A young knight gift you a sword, finely wrought and decorated with silver. qstr_You_have_slain_the_ou|You have slain the outlaws. qstr_This_scroll_lists_four|This scroll lists four different valyrian steel daggers,^owned by the following nobles ^Sharako Isalios^Triarch Nyessos Vhassar^Horonno Paenymion^Prince Galeo Terys qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_|You've been knocked unconscious, and the outlaws loot your body, but your men come to the rescue, and manage to kill the remaining outlaws. qstr_Go_to_the_Pass_of_Hugo|Go to the Pass of Hugor Hill, close to Ulentor, and deal with any outlaws you find. You must bring, at least, 8 men. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_b|You've been knocked unconscious, but the rest of your men come to the rescue and defeat the cultists. qstr_You_have_slain_the_c|You have slain the cultists. qstr_Phario_Forel_asked_yo|Phario Forel asked you to search for golden treasure in the Old Barrow, close to the Ruins of Iksa Calo. You need to bring, at least, 7 men. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious.|You've been knocked unconscious. But the rest of your men prevail and manage to overcome the pirates. qstr_Find_and_defeat_the_p|Find and defeat the pirates. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_bu|You've been knocked unconscious, but hearing the commotion, your men rush to your aid and defeat the outlaws. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_but|You've been knocked unconscious, but your men come to the rescue and defeat the conspirators. qstr_Ser_Gilbert_Farring_ha|Ser Gilbert Farring has tasked you with executing the suppossed dragonseed, Lacerys Waters. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_Illyrio_Mopatis_has_as|Illyrio Mopatis has asked you to find out what happened to his friend. Search the ruined baths, north of Myr. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_Go_to_Mole_s_Town_and|Go to Mole's Town and defeat the Magnar of Thenn. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_Go_to_the_Gorge_and_h|Go to the Gorge and help Bowen Marsh defeat the wildlings. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Go_the_tunnel_beneath|Go the tunnel beneath the Wall and join Jon Snow in the defense of Castle Black. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Tyrion_Lannister_Hand_|Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King, has tasked you with assasinating Ser Jeffory Darke, and any men-at-arms in your way. The seat of House Darke is Brookwater Keep. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_but_|You've been knocked unconscious, but your men continue the fight and eventually prevail. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_but_y|You've been knocked unconscious, but your men come to the rescue and slay the Crazed Cultist. qstr_Ser_Elston_told_you_m|Ser Elston told you maester Cadwyn changed after visiting the nearby barrow. Perhaps you can find the book there. You need to bring, at least, 2 men. qstr_Jess_told_you_that_the|Jess told you that there'd been rumors of wildlings in the Lonely Hills, north of the Dreadfort. Perhaps they have taken refuge in the Abandoned Holdfast. You should bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious._|You've been knocked unconscious. But the rest of your men prevail and manage to overcome the wights. qstr_You_have_defeated_the_|You have defeated the wights! qstr_Return_to_the_tavern_a|Return to the tavern and look for Septon Germund. qstr_Jess_told_you_that_ther|Jess told you that there'd been rumors of wildlings in the Lonely Hills, north of the Dreadfort. Perhaps they have taken refuge in the Abandoned Holdfast. You should bring, at least, 25 men. qstr_Return_to_Elder_Brot|Return to Elder Brother. qstr_The_Elder_Brother_has|The Elder Brother has tasked you with finding Aegon Bloodborn, and bringing him to justice. The woods north of Seagard is full of outlaws, search for him there. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_You_ve_been_knocked_unconscious_but_t|You've been knocked unconscious, but the battle continues, and the enemy soldiers are defeated! qstr_Return_to_Ser_Rodrik_C|Return to Ser Rodrik Cassel. qstr_Ramsay_Snow_has_been|Ramsay Snow has been killed. qstr_Ser_Rodrik_Cassel_has_t|Ser Rodrik Cassel has tasked you with bringing the kings justice to Ramsay Snow. The latest reports have him somewhere around the Abandoned Village, close to the Dreadfort. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Return_to_the_castle_a|Return to the castle, and talk to Ser Rodrik Cassel. qstr_Return_to_the_castle_t|Return to the castle to find Ser Gilbert Farring. qstr_Return_to_Lysa_Tully.|Return to Lysa Tully. qstr_Visit_Jharys_in_Snak|Visit Jharys in Snakewood. qstr_Visit_maester_Loren_|Visit maester Loren in Strongsong. qstr_Ask_Ser_Armond_Tolle|Ask Ser Armond Tollett about the clansmen. qstr_Defeat_the_clansmen_|Defeat the clansmen to the west of Strongsong. You need to bring, at least, 10 men. qstr_Ask_Ser_Armond_Tollet|Ask Ser Armond Tollett in Strongsong about the clansmen. qstr_Visit_maester_Loren_i|Visit maester Loren in Heart's Home. qstr_The_young_bard_prefer|The young bard preferred to flee rather than duel with you. qstr_A_faint__plop__was_he|A faint 'plop' was heard when the child hit the ground. qstr_The_branch_hits_you_o|The branch hits you on the head. Ouch! qstr_You_fall_over_into_th|You fall over, into the puddle. Ouch! qstr_You_fall_over_and_hur|You fall over, and hurt your head. Ouch! qstr_You_got_hit_by_the_st|You got hit by the stag. Ouch! qstr_The_holdfast_appears_t|The holdfast appears to have been abandoned for quite some time and the well in the center of the former courtyard is completely dried up. Perhaps this is the reason no one lives here anymore.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_@An_old_chest_lies_ha|@An old chest lies half-hidden in the dirt and grime that has covered most of the ruins.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_G|Explore the ruins of Ghoyan Drohe to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_rui|You've successfully explored the ruins of Ghoyan Drohe.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_an_old_c|You come across an old chest, half-buried in the rubble.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_As_you_rummage_throug|As you rummage through the abandoned ruins, you come across a selection of shattered pottery. Despite the worn appearance, it is evident that the craftsman who made the pottery was highly skilled, the shapes of tiny fish and turtles still visible on the shards strewn across the ground.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_N|Explore the ruins of Ny Sar to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruin|You've successfully explored the ruins of Ny Sar.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_the_|You come across the ruined statue of a woman, half-buried in mud and grime.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_A|Explore the ruins of Ar Noy to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruins|You've successfully explored the ruins of Ar Noy.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruins_|You've successfully explored the ruins of Sar Mell.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_As_you_near_the_oddly_|As you near the oddly shaped totem, you notice the ground in front is cleared and a small blue-ish fire has been left burning close to the totem. On the ground itself is scribled a curious message, over and over again 'We all float down here'.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_Ch|Explore the ruins of Chroyane to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruins_o|You've successfully explored the ruins of Chroyane.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_Sa|Explore the ruins of Sar Mell to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_I_have_raw_materials|I have raw materials and produce. qstr_I_have_a_few_food_it|I have a few food items for sale. qstr_Defeat_the_Dothraki_|Defeat the Dothraki warriors and loot their camp.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_This_chest_is_yours_|This chest is yours for the taking.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_I_have_the_most_wond|I have the most wonderful perfumes, fresh from the markets of Pentos, Meereen and Volantis. qstr_I_have_a_great_assor|I have a great assortment of various wines, brandy and beer, stuff that will make even one of the Old Blood swoon. qstr_Defeat_the_Dothraki_w|Defeat the Dothraki warriors and loot their camp (find and loot their chest of treasure).^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_It_is_night_and_the_|It is night, and the camp seems quiet. qstr_Ask_the_Archon_of_Tyr|Ask the Archon of Tyrosh, Archon of Myr or the Prince of Lys for a reward for dispatching the pirates. qstr_There_is_no_slaves_f|There is no slaves for sale here. qstr_One_{s3}_is_for_sale|One {s3} is for sale. qstr_{reg5}_{s3}_is_for_s|{reg5} {s3} is for sale, as well as {s4}. qstr_{reg5}_{s3}_is_for_sa|{reg5} {s3} is for sale. qstr_{reg5}_{s3}_are_for_|{reg5} {s3} are for sale, as well as {s4}. qstr_{reg5}_{s3}_are_for_s|{reg5} {s3} are for sale. qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_Sar|Explore the ruins of Sarhoy to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_the_r|You come across the ruined statue of a woman, half-buried in mud and grime. Grossly overweight, the statue must likely represents some sort of deity.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_an_old_s|You come across an old sculpture, depicting what appears to be to enamored lovers.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruins_of|You've successfully explored the ruins of Sarhoy.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_a_ma|You come across a massive beached whale, blubber and guts spilling out. The smell is overpowering.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_three_townsfolk_|The three townsfolk appear to have been hanged recently, but their faces are still black and swollen, and their eyes have been pecked out by crows.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Your_relation_with_f|Your relation with factions are ^{s2} qstr_There_seems_to_be_no|There seems to be no soldiers for sale. qstr_I_have_the_most_wonde|I have the most wonderful perfumes, fresh from the markets of Pentos, Meereen and Volantis. Fine velvet from the estates of Myr, and sweet wine from the farms east of Selhorys. qstr_I_have_a_large_assor|I have a large assortment of cloth, carpets and fine fabrics for sale. Marvel at these wonders from Myr, Lys and distant Tolos. qstr_I_have_just_received|I have just received a new shipment of fine wine from the Arbor. Fresh as a summer morning, these bottles will make every woman love you. qstr_I_have_recently_aqui|I have recently aquired a fine collection of armor. Have a look. qstr_I_have_just_bought_a|I have just bought an assortment of weapons from a passing caravan. Have a look. qstr_I_have_a_large_assort|I have a large assortment of food available, fresh off the farms and estates east of Myr. qstr_The_baker_has_just_f|The baker has just finished this mornings work. Have a look. qstr_I_sell_the_finest_ho|I sell the finest horses this side of the Narrow Sea. Fiery dothraki chargers, swift dornish sand steeds and robust destriers. qstr_It_is_night_and_the_f|It is night, and the farmstead seems quiet. qstr_{s0}_has_recovered_f|{s0} has recovered from being raided. qstr_I_sell_the_finest_hor|I sell the finest horses this side of the Narrow Sea. Fiery dothraki chargers, tough dornish steeds and hardy destriers. qstr_I_sell_fresh_fruit_s|I sell fresh fruit, sweet honey and fine bread. qstr_I_sell_the_finest_pr|I sell the finest produce this side of the world. qstr_You_need_to_have_mor|You need to have more men for this. qstr_You_need_more_men.|You need more men. qstr_We_have_some_extra_b|We have some extra bread and honey. qstr_We_have_some_extra_f|We have some extra fruit and grain. qstr_Delicious!_The_cook_h|Delicious! The cook had seasoned it with pepper! qstr_It_is_night_and_the_s|It is night, and the septry seems quiet. qstr_We_have_some_extra_br|We have some extra bread and fruit. qstr_We_have_some_extra_c|We have some extra cheese and grain. qstr_The_Elder_Brother_bl|The Elder Brother bless you, and you continue on your way. qstr_You_don_t_have_enough_s|You don't have enough silver. How embarrassing! qstr_The_Elder_Brother_ble|The Elder Brother bless you, in the name of the Seven. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersom|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 3 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 4 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 1 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_n|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 2 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_na|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw, Power Throw and Horse Archery^is decreased by 4 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_nat|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw, Power Throw and Horse Archery^is decreased by 2 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_natu|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, you skill with ^Power Draw, Power Throw and Horse Archery^is decreased by 3 while wearing it. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_natur|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, your skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 4. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_nature|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, your skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 2. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_nature_|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor, your skill with ^Power Draw^Power Throw^Horse Archery^is decreased by 3. qstr_Due_to_the_cumbersome_nature_o|Due to the cumbersome nature of this armor,^your skill with Power Draw, Power Throw^and Horse Archery is decreased by 4. qstr_Penalty _Power_Draw_|Penalty Power Draw, Power Throw and Horse Archery -4. qstr_Penalty _Power_Draw_a|Penalty Power Draw and Throw -4. qstr_Penalty _Power_Draw_an|Penalty Power Draw and Throw -2. qstr_Penalty _Power_Draw_and|Penalty Power Draw and Throw -3. qstr_Well_done._Keep_the_m|Well done. Keep the money and wine coming our way, and there's no foe in the world you need fear. qstr_We_are_at_your_service._|We are at your service. Point us in the direction of those who need hurting, and we'll do the rest. qstr_Factions|Factions qstr_Show_towns|Show towns qstr_Show_castles|Show castles qstr_Show_villages|Show villages qstr_Tip _move_the_mouse_|Tip move the mouse onto the black blocks to show their names. qstr_The_World_Map|The World Map qstr_You_need_more_renown|You need more renown (150). qstr_You_need_more_renown_|You need more renown (200). qstr_You_need_more_renown__|You need more renown (250). qstr_You_need_more_renown__3|You need more renown (300). qstr_You_need_more_renown.|You need more renown. (200) qstr_You_need_more_renown._|You need more renown. (250) qstr_You_need_more_renown.__|You need more renown. (150) qstr_You_need_more_renown.__3|You need more renown. (300) qstr_You_need_150_renown_|You need 150 renown to do this. qstr_You_need_200_renown_|You need 200 renown to do this. qstr_You_need_250_renown_|You need 250 renown to do this. qstr_You_need_300_renown_|You need 300 renown to do this. qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_Th|Explore the ruins of The Whispers to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruins_of_|You've successfully explored the ruins of The Whispers.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_tower_appears_to|The tower appears to have collapsed, the rubble strewn underneath the cliffs upon which the castle stands.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_S|S qstr_{s1}_has_been_freed_|{s1} has been freed by {playername} to fight for {s2}. qstr_You_need_100_renown_|You need 100 renown to do this. qstr_Snarks_only_exist_in|Snarks only exist in the imagination of children. qstr_The_nobles_are_more_|The nobles are more important than you. qstr_No_one_is_more_impor|No one is more important than you. qstr_Visit_Hammerhorn_cas|Visit Hammerhorn castle. qstr_Go_to_the_fishing_vi|Go to the fishing village close to Hammerhorn and see what they know about the lights off the coast. qstr_Explore_the_Fishing_|Explore the Fishing Village.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_F|You've successfully explored the Fishing Village.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Return_to_Lorren.|Return to Lorren. qstr_Explore_the_Fishing_V|Explore the Fishing Village to discover the source of the odd lights off the coast.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_In_the_middle_of_the|In the middle of the small village is a huge, grotesque, statue. It looks like it has been submerged in water recently.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_skeletons_of_the|The skeletons of the villagers are laid out in a circle. The meat has been stripped from their bones.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Bloody_footprints_le|Bloody footprints lead towards the shore. They almost look human.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Someone_or_something|Someone, or something, put up a fight here.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Visit_Highpoint_cast|Visit Highpoint castle. qstr_Explore_the_Abandone|Explore the Abandoned Village to discover where the villagers went.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Return_to_Septon_Jos|Return to Septon Josmyn. qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_A|You've successfully explored the Abandoned Village.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Visit_Highpoint_castl|Visit Highpoint castle and talk to Septon Josmyn. qstr_Go_to_the_abandoned_|Go to the abandoned village close to Highpoint and see what happened to the villagers. qstr_The_coffins_belongin|The coffins belonging to the ancestors of the villagers appear to have erupted out from the earth.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_former_inhabitan|The former inhabitants have been laid out in an odd pattern, surrounding the weirwood that shadows the village.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_hear_growling_fr|You hear growling from the woods. It sounds like it's close by, but it might as well be far away. The woods can fool your senses.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_An_old_chest_was_bur|An old chest was burried in one of the coffins.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_A_livestock_epidemic_|A livestock epidemic has killed {reg5} sheep in {s4}. qstr_A_livestock_epidemic_h|A livestock epidemic has killed {reg4} cattle and {reg5} sheep in {s4}. qstr_An_old_chest_lies_half_hid|An old chest lies half-hidden in the dirt and grime that has covered most of the ruins.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_It_is_night_and_the_m|It is night, and the market seems quiet. qstr_I_have_the_most_wonder|I have the most wonderful carpets, exquisitely crafted in Qohor. Fine velvet from the estates of Volantis. Smooth silk from the wonderous towns of Yi Ti. qstr_Return_to_Ser_Amory_|Return to Ser Amory Lorch. qstr_You_need_75_renown_t|You need 75 renown to do this. qstr_Return_to_the_castle_an|Return to the castle, and talk to Ser Amory Lorch. qstr_Ser_Amory_Lorch_has_|Ser Amory Lorch has asked that you join him for a visit to the small village close to Harrenhal. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Ser_Amory_Lorch_has_a|Ser Amory Lorch has asked that you join his raiding party for a visit to the small village close to Harrenhal. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Return_to_the_castle_and|Return to the castle, and talk to Maester Colemon. qstr_Maester_Colemon_has_|Maester Colemon has told you of a tournament to be held in the Eyrie, where knights will compete to be part of the Brotherhood of the Winged Knights. Visit the Eyrie and tell the tournament master that you would like to register your name for the lists. You will be competing against the finest knights in the Vale, so make sure you're well prepared. qstr_Ser_Clifford_Gower_as|Ser Clifford Gower asked you to deliver a letter, and a gift, to the castellan of Ninestars, where a tournament celebrating the name day of Rowena Templeton is about to take place. Ninestars lies close to Snakewood, in the Vale. qstr_Ser_Alyn_Tollett_aske|Ser Alyn Tollett asked you to stay around for the tournament celebrating the name day of Rowena Templeton. Visit the tournament grounds and the merchants camps. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser|You have defeated Ser Andrew Tollett. qstr_The_tournament_will_|The tournament will start in a few days. qstr_Maester_Colemon_has_t|Maester Colemon has told you of a tournament to be held in the Gates of the Moon, where knights will compete to be part of the Brotherhood of the Winged Knights. Visit the Gates of the Moon and tell the tournament master that you would like to register your name for the lists. You will be competing against the finest knights in the Vale, so make sure you're well prepared. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_|You have defeated Ser Targon the Halfwild. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_R|You have defeated Ser Roland Waynwood. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_H|You have defeated Ser Harrold Hardyng. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_O|You have defeated Ser Owen Breakstone. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_L|You have defeated Ser Lyn Corbray. qstr_Fight_the_next_oppon|Fight the next opponent. qstr_It_is_night_and_the_t|It is night, and the tournament ground seems quiet. qstr_Return_to_the_castle_and_|Return to the castle, and talk to Ser Jacelyn Bywater. qstr_Your_party_lost_{reg|Your party lost {reg1} morale. qstr_Your_party_gained_{r|Your party gained {reg1} morale. qstr_TEST _Loot_value_bef|TEST Loot value before {reg1} and after {reg2} qstr_Your_party_gained_{re|Your party gained {reg1} morale for the loot you shared. qstr_Your_party_lost_{reg1|Your party lost {reg1} morale, because your troops think you keep too much loot for yourself. qstr_Lame|Lame qstr_Swaybacked|Swaybacked qstr_Timid|Timid qstr_Meek|Meek qstr_Stubborn|Stubborn qstr_Heavy|Heavy qstr_Spirited|Spirited qstr_Champion|Champion qstr_Cracked|Cracked qstr_Battered|Battered qstr_Thick|Thick qstr_Reinforced|Reinforced qstr_Rusty|Rusty qstr_Tattered|Tattered qstr_Ragged|Ragged qstr_Crude|Crude qstr_Sturdy|Sturdy qstr_Hardened|Hardened qstr_Lordly|Lordly qstr_Broken|Broken qstr_Bent|Bent qstr_Chipped|Chipped qstr_Strong|Strong qstr_Balanced|Balanced qstr_Tempered|Tempered qstr_Masterwork|Masterwork qstr_Large_Bag_of|Large Bag of qstr_Your_party_lost_50_m|Your party lost 50 morale. qstr_Your_party_gained_25|Your party gained 25 morale. qstr_Your_party_lost_{reg1}|Your party lost {reg1} morale, because your troops think you kept too much loot for yourself. qstr_Your_party_lost_75_m|Your party lost 75 morale. qstr_Your_party_lost_25_m|Your party lost 25 morale. qstr_Tyrion_Lannister_has|Tyrion Lannister has told you of the melee to be held in King's Landing, to celebrate King Joffreys reign. You have entered your name with Ser Jacelyn Bywater. Enter the melee grounds to start. qstr_Search_the_castle_fo|Search the castle for Ser Jacelyn Bywater. qstr_The_melee_will_start|The melee will start soon. qstr_It_is_night_and_the_me|It is night, and the melee ground seems quiet. qstr_You_have_defeated_Mo|You have defeated Morros Slynt. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_B|You have defeated Ser Balon Swann. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_Ho|You have defeated Ser Horas Redwyne. qstr_You_have_defeated_Lo|You have defeated Lothor Brune. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_M|You have defeated Ser Meryn Trant. qstr_You_have_defeated_Sa|You have defeated Sandor Clegane. qstr_Return_to_Tyrion_Lann|Return to Tyrion Lannister. qstr_Tyrion_Lannister_Hand_o|Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King, has tasked you with freeing his brother, Jaime, from captivity. Talk to Ser Cleos Frey in his quarters inside the Red Keep. qstr_Tyrion_Lannister_Hand_of|Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King, has tasked you with freeing his brother, Jaime, from captivity. The delegation to Riverrun should have already arrived, but if the castle has been taken, then Jaime has likely been moved to another, secret, location. Visit Ser Cleos in his quarters in Riverrun. qstr_Find_Jaime_Lannister|Find Jaime Lannister. qstr_Fight_your_way_out_o|Fight your way out of Riverrun. qstr_Do_you_have_a_need_for_p|Do you have a need for protection? {reg3?Me and {reg4?{reg3} of my mates one of my mates} are I am} looking for a master. We'll join you for {reg5} coins. qstr_Well_done._Keep_the_mo|Well done. Keep the money and wine coming our way, and there's no deal in the world you can't make. qstr_We_are_at_your_service._P|We are at your service. Point us in the direction of a troublemaker, and we'll do the rest. qstr_You_wont_find_better_|You wont find better protection in all of the world. qstr_You_need_to_pledge_y|You need to pledge yourself to House Lannister before you can visit the Tower of the Hand. qstr_Visit_Ser_Rodrik_Cas|Visit Ser Rodrik Cassel in Winterfell. qstr_Visit_Tyrion_Lannist|Visit Tyrion Lannister in the Tower of the Hand. qstr_Visit_Maester_Colemo|Visit Maester Colemon at the Gates of the Moon. qstr_Well_done_{s0}._Keep_|Well done, {s0}. Keep the money and wine coming our way, and there's no foe in Calradia you need fear. qstr_You_chose_well._My_{|You chose well. My {reg65?companions lads} know how to keep their word and earn their pay. qstr_Well_done_friend._Ke|Well done, friend. Keep the money and wine coming our way, and there's no foe in the world you need fear. qstr_Your_men_think_you_r|Your men think you're heartless and are in awe of you. qstr_Part_of_your_food_was_|Part of your food was destroyed. qstr_Your_men_think_that_|Your men think that you are a strong leader. qstr_Your_men_think_that_y|Your men think that you are a weak leader. qstr_You_don_t_have_enough_c|You don't have enough coins. How embarrassing! qstr_You_don_t_have_enough_co|You don't have enough coins. You order water to be rationed and wells to be dug. qstr_the_enemy_thinks_rei|the enemy thinks reinforcements will soon arrive. qstr_fear_and_discontent_|fear and discontent is spreading inside. qstr_he_likes_the_wife_of|he likes the wife of his former master, and he will fight by your side if you give her to him after the conquest. qstr_the_enemy_s_morale_i|the enemy's morale is low, and we should attack. qstr_Your_men_think_you_re|Your men think you're heartless. qstr_You_don_t_have_enough_coi|You don't have enough coins. qstr_You_ve_gained_5_two_|You've gained 5 two-handed weapon proficiency. qstr_Visit_Jon_Snow_in_Ca|Visit Jon Snow in Castle Black. qstr_Join_the_ranging.|Join the ranging. qstr_Visit_Jon_Snow_in_Cas|Visit Jon Snow in Castle Black. Bring cabbages, grain and cheese. qstr_Explore_Whitetree_to|Explore Whitetree to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_W|You've successfully explored Whitetree.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_an_old_ch|You come across an old chest, half-buried in the mud and snow.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_weirwood_is_huge|The weirwood is huge, towering over the village. A set of runes have been hung on the side, written in the old tongue.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_c|You've successfully explored crasters keep.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Craster_s_Keep_is_ol|Craster's Keep is old and worn, more of a daub-and-wattle hall than an actual keep.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Flee_back_to_Castle_|Flee back to Castle Black. qstr_Flee_back_to_Castle_b|Flee back to Castle black. qstr_Explore_Craster_s_Ke|Explore Craster's Keep to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_C|You've successfully explored Craster's Keep.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_The_Fist_of_|Explore The Fist of the First Men to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_Th|You've successfully explored The Fist of the First Men.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_Craster_s_Ha|Explore Craster's Hall to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_Cr|You've successfully explored Craster's Hall.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_cave_beneath_the_o|The cave beneath the old and gnarled weirwood appears to have been the home of some people not too long ago. This area is isolated and deep within the Rainwood. Perhaps the previous tenants were outlaws.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_townsfolk_of_Oldt|The townsfolk of Oldtown hear of your piousness. qstr_You_need_50_renown_t|You need 50 renown to do this. qstr_The_Night_s_Watch_is|The Night's Watch is going beyond the Wall. Talk to Lord Commander Mormont to learn more. qstr_Visit_Jon_Snow_in_Cast|Visit Jon Snow in Castle Black. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Lord_Jonos_Bracken_h|Lord Jonos Bracken has joined The Westerlands qstr_Lord_Clement_Piper_h|Lord Clement Piper has joined The Westerlands qstr_Ser_Marq_Piper_has_j|Ser Marq Piper has joined The Westerlands qstr_Lord_William_Mooton_|Lord William Mooton has joined The Westerlands qstr_Ser_Andrey_Charlton_|Ser Andrey Charlton has joined The Westerlands qstr_Ser_Quincy_Cox_has_j|Ser Quincy Cox has joined The Westerlands qstr_Ramsay_Bolton|Ramsay Bolton qstr_Ramsay_Bolton_has_jo|Ramsay Bolton has joined The Westerlands qstr_Lord_Commander_Jon_S|Lord Commander Jon Snow qstr_Lord_Roose_Bolton_ha|Lord Roose Bolton has joined The Westerlands qstr_Lord_Rodrik_Ryswell_|Lord Rodrik Ryswell has joined The Westerlands qstr_Roger_Ryswell_has_jo|Roger Ryswell has joined The Westerlands qstr_Barbrey_Dustin_has_j|Barbrey Dustin has joined The Westerlands qstr_Lord_Ludd_Whitehill_|Lord Ludd Whitehill has joined The Westerlands qstr_Explore_Castle_Black|Explore Castle Black.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_Ca|You've successfully explored Castle Black.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_have_been_knocked|You have been knocked out by the enemy. Continue the fight or press TAB to retreat. qstr_Ser_Rodrik_Cassel_has_ta|Ser Rodrik Cassel has tasked you with bringing the kings justice to the wildlings in the Lonely Hills. The latest reports have them somewhere around the Abandoned Village, close to the Dreadfort. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Talk_to_Jon_Snow_in_|Talk to Jon Snow in Castle Black. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_The_Night_s_Watch_is_|The Night's Watch is going beyond the Wall. Talk to Lord Commander Mormont to learn more. You need 150 renown. qstr_Return_to_Leobald_Ta|Return to Leobald Tallhart. qstr_Return_to_the_castle_and_l|Return to the castle and look for Leobald Tallhart. qstr_Leobald_Tallhart_has|Leobald Tallhart has asked you to deal with the Ironborn invaders on the Stony Shore. You need to bring, at least, 50 men. qstr_Talk_to_Lord_Command|Talk to Lord Commander Jon Snow. qstr_Lord_Janos_Slynt|Lord Janos Slynt qstr_Talk_to_Cotter_Pyke.|Talk to Cotter Pyke. qstr_Return_to_Janos_Slyn|Return to Janos Slynt. qstr_Talk_to_Maester_Aemo|Talk to Maester Aemon in Castle Black. qstr_Join_Jon_Snow_in_his|Join Jon Snow in his parley with Mance Rayder. qstr_Bollocks|Bollocks qstr_Talk_to_Jon_Snow_in_C|Talk to Jon Snow in Castle Black. qstr_Join_Jon_Snow_in_the|Join Jon Snow in the parley with Mance Rayder. qstr_Return_to_Castle_Bla|Return to Castle Black. qstr_Return_to_Castle_bla|Return to Castle black. qstr_Explore_the_encampme|Explore the encampment to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_e|You've successfully explored the encampment.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Talk_to_Janos_Slynt.|Talk to Janos Slynt. qstr_Moreover_you_earn_{reg|Moreover, you earn {reg8} coins from the clever bets you placed on yourself. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are lead towards the ruler of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated helmet. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are lead towards the ruler of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely made sword. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_t|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are lead towards the ruler of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated bow. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_th|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated bow. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated helmet. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated halberd. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_c|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated braavosi blade. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_cr|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated great sword. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_cro|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young nobles of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and hand you your reward, a finely decorated great sword. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crow|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young nobles of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a fine looking destrier. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a fine looking destrier. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a fine looking courser. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_e|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a fine looking palfrey. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_er|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a heavy looking bag of silver, containing 800 coins. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_eru|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a heavy looking bag of silver, containing 1000 coins. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_erup|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a heavy looking bag of silver, containing 300 coins. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_erupt|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by one of the young maidens of {s3} who congratulates you on the victory, and bring you your reward, a heavy looking bag of silver, containing 5000 coins. qstr_Victory_is_yours!_As_the_crowd_erupts|Victory is yours! As the crowd erupts in applause, you are met by the nobles and merchants of {s3} who applaud your valiant victory, and apologize for not having a suitable gift for you. qstr_It_is_night_and_the_to|It is night, and the tourney ground seems quiet. qstr_Visit_Ser_Jon_Cupps_|Visit Ser Jon Cupps in Oldtown. qstr_Maester_Colemon_has_to|Maester Colemon has told you of a tourney to be held in the Gates of the Moon, where knights will compete to be part of the Brotherhood of the Winged Knights. Visit the Gates of the Moon and tell the tourney master that you would like to register your name for the lists. You will be competing against the finest knights in the Vale, so make sure you're well prepared. qstr_Visit_the_tourney_ma|Visit the tourney master of the Tourney of the Tower. qstr_The_tourney_will_sta|The tourney will start in a few days. qstr_The_tourey_will_star|The tourey will start in a few days. qstr_You_do_not_have_five|You do not have five men in your party to form a team! qstr_{s1}_{s0}_wins {reg1|{s1} {s0} wins {reg1}, loses {reg2}^ qstr_{s0}_s_team|{s0}'s team qstr_{s1}_{s0}_wins {reg1}|{s1} {s0}, wins {reg1}, loses {reg2}^ qstr_The_tournament_has_e|The tournament has ended! qstr_Your_next_opponent _|Your next opponent {s0} qstr_{s2}_{s3};|{s2} {s3}; qstr_{s0}{s1}_team_consis|{s0}{s1} team, consisting of {s2}^ qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_D|You have defeated Ser Desmond Redwyne. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_G|You have defeated Ser Gunthor Hightower. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_Ow|You have defeated Ser Owen Inchfield. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_Ry|You have defeated Ser Rycherd Crane. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_W|You have defeated Ser Willam Wythers. qstr_You_have_defeated_Ser_Le|You have defeated Ser Leo Tyrell. qstr_{s1}_{s0}_Wins _{reg|{s1} {s0} Wins {reg1}^ Loses {reg2}^ qstr_{s1}_{s0}_Wins _{reg1|{s1} {s0}, Wins {reg1}^ Loses {reg2}^ qstr_The_melee_has_ended!|The melee has ended! qstr_Your_next_opponent_i|Your next opponent is {s0} qstr_{s1}_{s0} ^_Wins _{r|{s1} {s0} ^ Wins {reg1}^ Loses {reg2}^ qstr_{s1}_{s0}___Wins _{r|{s1} {s0} - Wins {reg1} - Loses {reg2}^ qstr_This_here_is_our_lan|This here is our land. You'd best hand over some coin, friend, or suffer the consequences. qstr_A_stranger_chance_me|A stranger, chance met on the road. What luck. For us. qstr_Look_at_this!_A_trav|Look at this! A traveller, on our land! It's been a while... You'd best hand over your silver if you want to live, eh? qstr_So_many_people_come_|So many people come through here, but so few live to tell that they have. Do you wish to be one of them? qstr_Another_fool_then!_C|Another fool then! Come, my axe has a thirst! qstr_We_ll_make_a_drinkin|We'll make a drinking cup from your skull! qstr_You_ll_beg_for_death|You'll beg for death when I'm done with you! qstr_Dog!_I_ll_make_you_r|Dog! I'll make you rue those words! qstr_Do_you_want_to_barte|Do you want to barter? Fat chance! Hand over your valuables, and might be we'll let you live. qstr_I知_told_there痴_not|I知 told there痴 nothing like a wolfskin cloak to warm a man by night. I wonder what a man-skin cloak would be like, eh? Hand over your goods, unless you want to find out. qstr_A_kneeler!_You_don_t|A kneeler! You don't need to kneel for me, you just need to hand over your gold. It's that, or your life. qstr_We_free_folk_know_th|We free folk know things you kneelers have forgotten. The darkness is coming. I'd like to be warm when it does, so hand over your silver. qstr_I_ll_use_your_bones_|I'll use your bones for a tootpick! qstr_I_ll_make_gloves_out|I'll make gloves out of your skin! qstr_I_ll_hang_your_entra|I'll hang your entrails from a weirwood qstr_Another_notch_for_my|Another notch for my axe! Prepare to meet your gods, kneeler! qstr_A1|A1 qstr_A2|A2 qstr_A3|A3 qstr_a|a qstr_b|b qstr_c|c qstr_d|d qstr_e|e qstr_f|f qstr_g|g qstr_h|h qstr_j|j qstr_111|111 qstr_222.|222. qstr_333|333 qstr_444|444 qstr_555|555 qstr_666|666 qstr_This_scroll_lists_four_|This scroll lists four different valyrian steel daggers,^owned by the following nobles ^Sharako Pendaerys^Triarch Nyessos Vhassar^Horonno Paenymion^Prince Galeo Terys qstr_Lord_Ramsay_Bolton|Lord Ramsay Bolton qstr_The_trader_you_are_e|The trader you are escorting does not want to use a ferry. qstr_The_ferry_station_is|The ferry station is too small and can't transport a marshal and his whole army. qstr_We_are_landless_poor|We are landless, poor and persecuted. Life has led us to this, {reg59?girlie mate}. No sudden moves or we'll run you through. qstr_Luckily_for_you_you_|Luckily for you, you caught me in a good mood. Give us all your coin and I might just let you live. qstr_This_a_robbery_eh?_I_|This a robbery, eh? I'm givin' you one chance to hand over everythin' you got, or me and my mates'll kill you. Understand? qstr_I_ll_cut_off_your_ma|I'll cut off your manhood! qstr_My_sword_thirsts_for|My sword thirsts for blood! qstr_I_ll_leave_your_corp|I'll leave your corpse for the crows! qstr_The_sun_will_bleach_|The sun will bleach your naked bones! qstr_I_ll_eat_your_heart_|I'll eat your heart with onions! qstr_I_ll_leave_you_weepi|I'll leave you weeping from eyes without sockets! qstr_When_I_m_done_with_y|When I'm done with you, you'll wish for death! qstr_My_arakh_thirsts_for|My arakh thirsts for blood! qstr_I_ll_hang_your_entrai|I'll hang your entrails from a weirwood! qstr_We_ll_sell_you_to_th|We'll sell you to the miners! qstr_We_ll_brand_you_and_|We'll brand you and sell you cheap! qstr_Maybe_they_ll_make_a|Maybe they'll make a bedslave out of you! qstr_Eunuchs_fetch_a_good|Eunuchs fetch a good price! qstr_Death_to_the_masters|Death to the masters! qstr_Maybe_we_will_sell_y|Maybe we will sell you this time! qstr_Better_to_die_free_t|Better to die free than die a slave! qstr_We_ll_never_wear_man|We'll never wear manacles again! qstr_I_ll_feed_your_manho|I'll feed your manhood to the goats! qstr_My_axe_thirsts_for_b|My axe thirsts for blood! qstr_I_ll_cut_off_your_ar|I'll cut off your arms! qstr_The_mountains_will_e|The mountains will echo with your screams! qstr_Back_on_solid_ground|Back on solid ground, out of reach of swells and sea monsters, your men seem more relaxed. qstr_You_hire_a_nearby_bo|You hire a nearby boat for the trip. qstr_Your_men_are_uneasy_|Your men are uneasy about crossing the ocean and start losing heart. qstr_Lacking_money_you_co|Lacking money, you commandeer a nearby boat. qstr_Running_out_of_money|Running out of money, you force the boat to continue your voyage. qstr_Leaving_the_carrack_|Leaving the carrack behind, your men seem more relaxed. qstr_Leaving_the_galley_b|Leaving the galley behind, your men seem more relaxed. qstr_Back_on_solid_ground_|Back on solid ground, out of reach of swells and sea monsters, you start to breathe easy. qstr_You_hire_a_nearby_ca|You hire a nearby carrack for the trip. qstr_You_hire_a_nearby_ga|You hire a nearby galley for the trip. qstr_You_hire_a_nearby_co|You hire a nearby cog for the trip. qstr_The_strange_men_had_|The strange men had left, but your men brought back a few valuables. qstr_The_citizens_of_Braa|The citizens of Braavos are duly impressed. qstr_The_sailors_are_duly|The sailors are duly impressed. qstr_Take_a_message_to_Qh|Take a message to Qhorin Halfhand at the Shadow Tower. qstr_Explore_the_abandone|Explore the abandoned hall to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ab|You've successfully explored the abandoned hall.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_Hardhome_to_|Explore Hardhome to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_Ha|You've successfully explored Hardhome.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_the_Fist_of_|Explore the Fist of the First Men to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_Fi|You've successfully explored the Fist of the First Men.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_door_is_locked_f|The door is locked from the inside, but you can hear a faint scuffling, and the sound of an old man bellowing.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_It_looks_like_the_gr|It looks like the graves where dug out, but not from above.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_totem_is_old_but|The totem is old, but the stone underneath it older. You can make out the faint lines of a very old chiseled drawing, showing a man rising from the grave.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_hall_looks_aband|The hall looks abandoned, and the runes on the door have words in both the Old and Common Tongue on them. 'Our ancestors rest inside' they say.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_village_appears_|The village appears to be completely abandoned.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_village_appears_t|The village appears to have been abandoned for years.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_From_the_mouth_of_th|From the mouth of the cave, you can hear a faint sound. It almost sounds like a wailing woman.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_circle_of_stones|The circle of stones surrounding the old ringfort has almost completely collapsed.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_A_newly_dug_grave_ap|A newly dug grave appears to have been made into a cairn, with heavy stones keeping the remains from being disturbed.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_decayed_skeleton|The decayed skeletons of a group of men and women have been laid out in an arcane circle.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_come_across_an_old_che|You come across an old chest, half-buried in the snow.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Explore_Lorn_s_Circl|Explore Lorn's Circle to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_Lo|You've successfully explored Lorn's Circle.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_An_old_dog_lies_dead|An old dog lies dead at the foot of the weirwood, its belly cut open.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_stones_have_been|The stones have been laid out in a circle, rotating inwards.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Talk_to_Tyrion_Lanni|Talk to Tyrion Lannister. qstr_Tyrion_Lannister_Hand_of_|Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King, has tasked you with freeing his brother, Jaime, from captivity. The delegation is waiting for you at Harrenhal. If Riverrun has been taken, then the mission is null. qstr_Talk_to_Vylarr.|Talk to Vylarr. qstr_Meet_with_Tyrions_ro|Meet with Tyrions rogues at Harrentown. qstr_Set_fire_to_the_mill|Set fire to the mill. You need to bring, at least, 15 men. qstr_Explore_the_ruins_of_Ha|Explore the ruins of Harrentown to gain experience.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_You_ve_successfully_explored_the_ruins_of_H|You've successfully explored the ruins of Harrentown.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_Set_fire_to_the_mill.|Set fire to the mill. qstr_Ser_Jaime_Lannister_|Ser Jaime Lannister has returned to the Westerlands. qstr_It_seems_that_these_|It seems that these cages where used recently. There's still a faint odor of shit surrounding them.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_men_and_women_of|The men and women of the town seems to have been slaughtered.^^(Press K to finish reading) qstr_The_townsfold_didn_t|The townsfold didn't even have time to pack their supplies before they where attacked.^^(Press K to finish reading)
【photo】 -live photos 1 -live photos 2 -live photos 3 HooK -live photos 4 YTOC -live photos 5 EF -photos 1 -photos 2 -photos 3 -photos 4 -photos 5 悶絶アリキックACT2 -photos 7 -photos 8
City of Los Santos 概要 解説地理河川 気候 国政・県政行政機関 独立行政法人 地形行政区 観光 交通航空 船舶 鉄道及びバス 道路 教育 概要 日本語:ロスサントス市 人口:約400万人 設立:1781年 国:アメリカ合衆国 州:サンアンドレアス 郡:ロスサントス郡 モットー:Bulimic capital of America(アメリカの莫大な資本) 公式サイト:https //www.rockstargames.com/V/jp/ 解説 GTAⅤマニュアル 想像してください。富と名声、そして理想の自分を手に入れるためならどんな手段も問わない人々がひしめく都市を。 ここでは、出会う人すべてがセレブか、セレブ志望か元セレブのどれかです。 自然が豊かで、年間を通して最高の気候に恵まれています。空気も素晴らしく、カラフルで香ばしい風が吹きます。 さあ、思い切り夢を描きましょう。それが全て現実になったのが、この街です。 元ネタはロサンゼルス 。 地理 ロスサントス市の地形は丘陵地、平地、埋立地からなる。 東西南は太平洋に面し、北はトングババレー、グレートチャパレル、バンナムキャニオン、タタヴィアム山地、パロミノ高地に接する。 河川 ロスサントス川 気候 空気が汚すぎて朝にはスモッグが出る。 冬には雪がうっすら積る。 また、定期的に雷や豪雨も降る。 国政・県政 行政機関 ロスサントス市警察(LSPD) 国家安全司法執行局(NOOSE) ロスサントス郡保安局(LSSD) サンアンドレアス高速道路交通警察隊 独立行政法人 国際情勢局(IAA) ロスサントス消防署および病院(LSFD) ロスサントス港湾局 検死局 連邦捜査局(FIB) 地形 ざっくり分けると北はセレブと娯楽の街、南は工業とロスサントスの玄関の街、西は観光地の街、東は工業の街と分けられる。 行政区 地名 主なスポット ダウンタウン FIBビル、メイズバンクタワー、アルカディウスビジネスセンター バインウッド パシフィックスタンダード銀行、バインウッド競馬場、ロックフォードプラザ バインウッドヒルズ ガリレオ観測所、バインウッドサイン imageプラグインエラー 画像URLまたは画像ファイル名を指定してください。 サウスロスサントス イーストロスサントス サウスロスサントス港 ロスサントス海軍港、太平洋共同造船所 リッチマン モーニングウッド バックロットシティ リチャーズマジェスティックスタジオ リトルソウル ウィーゼルニュース本社 ラプエルタ メイズバンクアリーナ ベスプッチ ベスプッチビーチサイドウォークマーケット ロスサントス国際空港 サンアンドレアスフライト学校 ロックフォードヒルズ デルペロ プレジャーピア 観光 おすすめスポットを参照。 交通 航空 ロスサントス国際空港 船舶 サウスロスサントス港 鉄道及びバス ロスサントストランジット 駅について 道路 下記の区別は実際のアメリカの道路システムに基づくとともに区別の仕方は標識によるものとする。 州間高速道路 Los Santos Freeway(ロスサントス高速道路) Del Perro Freeway(デル・ぺロ高速道路) Olympic Freeway(オリンピック高速道路) 国道 Senora Freeway(セノーラ高速道路) Palomino Freeway(パロミノ高速道路) La Puerta Freeway(ラ・プエルタ高速道路) Elysian Fields Freeway(エリシアン・フィールズ高速道路) Great Ocean Highway(グレート・オーシャン高速道路) Route 11(ルート 11) 州道 Route 14(ルート 14) Route 16(ルート 16) Route 17(ルート 17) Route 18(ルート 18) Route 19(ルート 19) Route 22(ルート 22) その他の道路 教育 大学サンアンドレアス大学 高校デイビス高校 小学校ロスサントス小学校 その他の教育機関サンアンドレアスフライトスクール
this_page プラグインエラー エラー this_page プラグインエラー エラーのマーキングコード一覧です。 マーキングコードは同じでも製品型番が異なるものもありますので外形、特性などをデータシートで比べることをおすすめします。 「*」,「**」,「***」,「****」にはロットNo.やデートコード,「#」,「_」などにはhFE、特性種別などにより各々の文字が入ります。詳しくは各データシートを参照してください。 注意事項はTOSHIBAを参照して下さい。 マーキングコードリスト LIST TOSHIBA(1) LIST TOSHIBA(2) LIST TOSHIBA(3) LIST TOSHIBA(4) TOSHIBAのリスト説明ページ(TOSHIBA TOP MENU) 前のリスト TOSHIBA(2)へ(BACKWARD) 次のリスト TOSHIBA(4)へ(FORWARD) MARKING CODE LIST TOSHIBA(3) * , ** , *** , ****,_=date code,Lot No. etc. #=hfe rank. MARKINGCODE PART No.Grade etc. MAKER PACKAGENAME MAKERPACKAGE NAME PINCOUNT etc. S 015DZ4.3 TOSHIBA - fSC(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1L1A) 2 Zener diode for Constant-Voltage Regulation.Discontinued. S0 CMS10 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S01 CLS01 TOSHIBA - L-FLAT(4.0 x 3.2) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/DC-DC converter/Portable equipment battery. S02 CLS02 TOSHIBA - L-FLAT(4.0 x 3.2) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/DC-DC converter/Portable equipment battery. S03 CLS03 TOSHIBA - L-FLAT(4.0 x 3.2) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/DC-DC converter. S1 CMS01 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S1 CRS01 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching/DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S2 CMS02 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S2 CRS02 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching/DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S3 1SS357 TOSHIBA - USC(1.25 x 2.5)1-1E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for ultra high speed switching. S3 1SS388 TOSHIBA - ESC(0.8 x 1.6)(1-1G1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for ultra switching. S3 CMS03 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S3 CRS03 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching/DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S4 1SS367 TOSHIBA - USC(1.25 x 2.5)1-1E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. S4 1SS389 TOSHIBA - ESC(0.8 x 1.6)(1-1G1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. S4 CMS04 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S4 CRS04 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S5 1SS404 TOSHIBA - USC(1.25 x 2.5)1-1E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. S5 CMS05 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S5 CRS05 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S6 1SS420 TOSHIBA - ESC(0.8 x 1.6)(1-1G1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. S8 1SS424 TOSHIBA - ESC(0.8 x 1.6)(1-1G1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. S6 CMS06 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S6 CRS06 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S7 CMS07 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S8 CMS08 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S8 CRS08 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S9 CMS09 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S9 CRS09 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. S9 1SS394 TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(1-3G1B) 3 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. S9 1SS395 TOSHIBA SC-70SOT-323 USM(2.0 x 2.1)(1-2P1D) 3 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. SA CMS11 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SA CRS11 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SB CRS12 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SD CRS14 TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SD CMS14 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply. SE CMS15 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply. SF CMS16 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. *SF CRS10I30A TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SG CMS17 TOSHIBA - M-FLAT(2.4 x 4.7)(3-4E1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for DC/DC converter/switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SG U1GWJ49 TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(3-5E1A) 3(4) Schottky barrier diode for high speed rectification. SG 2SA1162Grade GR(200~400) TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(2-3F1A) 3 Bipolar PNP small signal transistor for low frequency amp.Complementary to 2SC2712. *SG CRS15I30A TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. *SH CRS10I30B TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. *SJ CRS20I30A TOSHIBA - S-FLAT(1.6 x 3.5)(3-2A1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for switching mode power supply/Portable equipment battery. SO 2SA1162Grade O(70~140) TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(2-3F1A) 3 Bipolar PNP small signal transistor for low frequency amp.Complementary to 2SC2712. SY 2SA1162Grade Y (120~240) TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(2-3F1A) 3 Bipolar PNP small signal transistor for low frequency amp.Complementary to 2SC2712. S*|Aor(S|A) 2SC2982Grade A(140~240) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*Aor(SA) 2SC2982Grade A(140~240) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*|Bor(S|B) 2SC2982Grade B(200~330) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*Bor(SB) 2SC2982Grade B(200~330) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*|Cor(S|C) 2SC2982Grade C(300~450) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*Cor(SC) 2SC2982Grade C(300~450) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*|Dor(S|D) 2SC2982Grade D(420~600) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. S*Dor(SD) 2SC2982Grade D(420~600) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for middle power amp/strobe flash.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1314. SP1*** SSM6J501NU TOSHIBA - UDFN6B(2.0 x 2.0)(2-2AA1A) 6(8) P-ch MOS FET for power management application. SP2*** SSM6J502NU TOSHIBA - UDFN6B(2.0 x 2.0)(2-2AA1A) 6(8) P-ch MOS FET for power management application. SP3*** SSM6J503NU TOSHIBA - UDFN6B(2.0 x 2.0)(2-2AA1A) 6(8) P-ch MOS FET for power management application. T5Cathode band Blue(青)Body color Tomato(赤橙)Marking Blue(青) 1S1585 TOSHIBA SC-40 DO-35(1-2A1A) 2 Diode for high speed switching. T6Cathode band Blue(青)Body color Tomato(赤橙)Marking Blue(青) 1S1586 TOSHIBA SC-40 DO-35(1-2A1A) 2 Diode for high speed switching. T7Cathode band Blue(青)Body color Tomato(赤橙)Marking Blue(青) 1S1587 TOSHIBA SC-40 DO-35(1-2A1A) 2 Diode for high speed switching. T9 1SS396 TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(1-3G1G) 3 Schottky barrier diode for low voltage high speed switching. TA TA75S393F TOSHIBA SC-74ASOT-25 SMV(SSOP5-P-0.95) 5 SINGLE COMPARATOR TF 1SV270 TOSHIBA - USC(1.25 x 2.5)1-1E1A) 2 PIN diode for VCO UHF band radio. TLC BAV99 TOSHIBA SOT-23 SOT23 3 Doble diode for high speed switching. TPC8402**** TPC8402 TOSHIBA - SOP-8(2-6J1E) 8 N-ch MOS FET for Li-ion secondary battery,Notebook PCs,Portable equipment.Discontinued? TY 1SS381 TOSHIBA - ESC(0.8 x 1.6)(1-1G1A) 2 Diode for VHF tuner band switch. U9 1SS422 TOSHIBA - SSM(1.6 x 1.6)(1-2S1C) 3 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. V*|Oor(V|O) 2SC3803Grade O(70~140) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for high speed high frequency switching/amp.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1483. V*Oor(VO) 2SC3803Grade O(70~140) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for high speed high frequency switching/amp.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1483. V*|Ror(V|R) 2SC3803Grade R(40~80) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for high speed high frequency switching/amp.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1483. V*Ror(VR) 2SC3803Grade R(40~80) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for high speed high frequency switching/amp.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1483. V*|Yor(V|Y) 2SC3803Grade Y(120~240) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for high speed high frequency switching/amp.Pb free.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1483. V*Yor(VY) 2SC3803Grade Y(120~240) TOSHIBA SC-62SOT-89 PW-Mini(4.6 x 4.2)(2-5K1A) 3(4) Bipolar NPN transistor for high speed high frequency switching/amp.Discontinued.Complementary to 2SA1483. V 1SS427 TOSHIBA - fSC(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1L1A) 2 Diode for high speed switching. V1 1SV160 TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(1-3G1A) 3 Variable capacitance diode for FM AFC receiver. V3 1SV225 TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(1-3G1F) 3 PIN diode for FM band tuner. V4 1SV228 TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(1-3G1F) 3 Variable capacitance diode for FM receiver electronic tuning. W 1SS416 TOSHIBA - fSC(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1L1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. W 1SS416CT TOSHIBA - CST2(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1P1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. W 1SS418 TOSHIBA - sESC(0.6 x 1.4)(1-1K1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. W9 1SS423 TOSHIBA - SSM(1.6 x 1.6)(1-2S1C) 3 Schottky barrier diode for ultra high speed switching. WB125 TC7WB125FK TOSHIBA SSOP-8 SSOP8-P-0.50A 5 DUAL BUS SWITCH. WG 2SC2859Grade GR(200~400) TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(2-3F1A) 3 Bipolar NPN small signal transistor for audio frequency low power amp. WO 2SC2859Grade O(70~140) TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(2-3F1A) 3 Bipolar NPN small signal transistor for audio frequency low power amp. WY 2SC2859Grade Y(120~240) TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(2-3F1A) 3 Bipolar NPN small signal transistor for audio frequency low power amp. X 1SS417 TOSHIBA - fSC(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1L1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for ultra high speed switching. X 1SS417CT TOSHIBA - CST2(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1P1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for ultra high speed switching. X 1SS419 TOSHIBA - sESC(0.6 x 1.4)(1-1K1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. X9 1SS398 TOSHIBA SC-59TO-236MOD S-Mini(2.9 x 2.5)(1-3G1G) 3 Switching diode for high voltage switching. XA RN1501 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar NPN digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN2501. XB RN1502 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar NPN digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN2502. XC RN1503 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar NPN digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN2503. XD RN1504 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar NPN digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN2504. XE RN1505 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar NPN digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN2505. XF RN1506 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar NPN digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN2506. Y 1SS413 TOSHIBA - fSC(0.6 x 1.0)(1-1L1A) 2 Schottky barrier diode for high speed switching. YA RN2501 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar PNP digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN1501. YB RN2502 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar PNP digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN1502. YC RN2503 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar PNP digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN1503. YD RN2504 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar PNP digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN1504. YE RN2505 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar PNP digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN1505. YF RN2506 TOSHIBA SC-74A SMV(2.9 x 2.8)(2-3L1A) 5 Bipolar PNP digital transistor for switching.Complementary to RN1506. TOSHIBAのリスト説明ページ(TOSHIBA TOP MENU) 前のリスト TOSHIBA(2)へ(BACKWARD) 次のリスト TOSHIBA(4)へ(FORWARD) リンク MARKING CODE一覧